2023-2024 CIBER Annual Program Development and Research Awards
Call for Proposals
Since 2002, Temple CIBER (Center for International Business Education and Research), located within the Fox School of Business, has contributed to the advancement of U.S. economic competitiveness in the global marketplace through globally-focused programming, teaching and research. Temple CIBER is supported by a grant under Title VI of the U.S. Department of Education.
For the 2023-2024 federal fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, 2023 and ending Sept. 30, 2024, the annual CIBER research award competition will be open to proposals for both research and program development grants. Total funding available is $35,000. Monetary awards will range depending upon the scope of research and matching funds secured from within Temple University or external sources. Grant applications are due by the deadline of 11:59 PM ET on Monday, December 4th, 2023.
- Academic Research Grants: Open to Temple faculty and PhD students to develop a research project on an international business topic. The purpose is to enable researchers to integrate global business components in their work, drawing on comparative literature, cross-border collaboration and, where appropriate, international exposure.
- Program Development Grants: Open to all Temple staff and faculty. In this category, we are seeking submissions that catalyze the development of new co-curricular programming that will enrich student learning experiences in the classroom or support professional development related to international business. Options include cross-cultural skill development, virtual immersion experiences, business language programming, enhancements to existing programs, creative models for international online learning (including for-credit internship programming) and other innovative topics. Grants can be awarded to individuals, programs and departments.
2023-2024 CIBER Research Grants Application Materials
A complete CIBER Research Award application consists of
1) a PDF file containing an overview of your project
2) a completed CIBER Research Budget Proposal Template
Please see the attached document entitled “CIBER Allowable and Unallowable Activities” for more information. A typical award is $5,000. However, proposals requesting up to $10,000 will be considered provided there is a direct correlation between the increased amount and the expected impact of the project.
Awards will be disseminated through the Temple CIBER office. Given the risks of international travel during this time, we encourage applications that rely on other types of activity apart from travel. Should any applicants choose to include travel and move on to be subsequently approved, grantees must contact the CIBER office before making any airline or other travel arrangements. Travel arrangements must be approved by the Temple CIBER office at least one month in advance of travel and must conform with all federal restrictions, including the Fly America Act. CIBER allowable expenses may be used for hourly research assistance, data collection, travel, etc.
Your proposal must demonstrate alignment with the goals of CIBER, which include the advancement of comparative and international business research, promotion of U.S. exports abroad, and improvements in U.S. business competitiveness in global markets. This can include research that advances the teaching and/or use of foreign languages for business. Your proposal should describe clearly how you will utilize CIBER funding to facilitate the achievement of these goals. You are also expected to provide at least one deliverable at the end of the grant, which may be a publication, conference presentation or similar defined project. You will be asked to provide information about the completion of this deliverable that will be used in CIBER publications.
Grant applications are due by the deadline of 11:59 PM ET on December 4th, 2023. Proposals will be reviewed by the academic and administrative directors of Temple CIBER. All awarded funds must be spent before the end of the federal fiscal year (Sept. 30, 2024).
Please submit applications or direct questions to:
Jeffrey Conradi
Associate Director, International Programs/Temple CIBER
Fox School of Business, 701 Alter Hall
2023-2024 CIBER Program Development Grants Application Materials
A complete CIBER Research Award application consists of
1) a PDF file containing an overview of your project/proposal
2) a completed CIBER Budget Proposal Template
Please see the attached document entitled “CIBER Allowable and Unallowable Activities” for more information. A typical award is $5000. However, proposals requesting up to $10,000 will be considered provided there is a direct correlation between the increased amount and the expected impact of the project.
Awards will be disseminated through the Temple CIBER office. We encourage submissions that are innovative and are designed to have the largest impact on the student population. Any requests for international travel are subject to approval under the guidelines set by the US Department of Education.
- Applicants should demonstrate the ability to successfully design and implement the project. This might include documented planning, targeted audience, leadership, financial management and/or timeline.
- Applicants also need to articulate how students will benefit from the project and the overall impact the project will have on Temple University.
Grant applications are due by the deadline of 11:59 PM ET on December 4th, 2023. Proposals will be reviewed by the academic and administrative directors of Temple CIBER. All awarded funds must be spent before the end of the federal fiscal year (Sept. 30, 2024).