Wangoo Lee

Wangoo Lee

Wangoo Lee

  • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Tourism and Sport Concentration

Curriculum Vitae  

Wangoo Lee joined the Fox Ph.D. program (Tourism & Hospitality track) as a Temple Presidential Fellow in 2020. He is currently a member of the necessary condition analysis (NCA) development team. Prior to Fox, Wangoo had both academic and industry experience - He served as a Senior Lecturer at the Asian Institute of Tourism, University of the Philippines, worked as a Tourism Planning Consultant on various projects, and co-founded DINOFALLO, a web development company where he served as a Project Manager.

Wangoo's research focuses on hospitality tech-mediated services and experiences, as well as necessary causality and necessary condition analysis (NCA). He has published 10+ papers in leading journals including International Journal of Hospitality Management and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. He has received 3 best paper awards at reputable international conferences including the 28th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference (GradCon) in Hospitality and Tourism in 2023, and was a finalist for best paper at another GradCon in 2021.

Wangoo's personal website can be found here.