Daniel E. Haws

Daniel E. Haws

Daniel E. Haws

  • Fox School of Business

      • Director of Operations, Oakland California Temple, The Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-Day Saints

Daniel Haws is an operations management professional who specializes in leadership and organizational development. Daniel has an extensive background in the development and delivery of training programs and project management. He’s worked in both the Clinical and Regulatory Affairs Division of a medical technology company that made the world’s first heart ablation catheter and in the Employee Information and Services Organization at Intel Corporation, where he managed cross-functional teams and led a project to help centralize human resource services into a single call center. Further, he served a career in law enforcement, three years of which he was the lead Force Options Simulator Program Instructor (Train-the-Trainer) for the state of California.
Daniel has a BA in management from Saint Mary’s College of California and an MBA in international business from the Thunderbird School of Global Management. Daniel is a devoted husband and father of five children.