Arvind Parkhe

Profile Picture of Arvind Parkhe

Arvind Parkhe

  • Fox School of Business and Management

    • Management

      • Laura H. Carnell Professor


Arvind Parkhe is a Professor of Strategy and International Business at the Fox School of Business, Temple University. Prior to joining Temple in 2003, he was on the faculty of the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University [Bloomington], 1989-2003. He holds a B.Tech. from IIT-Bombay [India], MBA from Georgia State University, and Ph.D. from Temple University. He is the recipient of numerous research, teaching, and service excellence awards.

In research, he has published articles on strategic alliances in all of the top journals in management, strategy, and international business, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, and Journal of International Business Studies. He is an impactful, highly-cited author. He has served as a guest editor of AMR [2006] and Journal of International Management [2007]. His research excellence awards include AIB Best Dissertation Award [1990], JIBS Decade Award [2001], and several best paper awards at national and international conferences.

In teaching, he was recognized as outstanding faculty at the Ph.D. level [Indiana University’s Doctoral Student Association Distinguished Teaching Award, 1997], Masters level [2006, 2012, 2017], and Undergraduate level [1994, 2000, 2004]. He has chaired several Ph.D. dissertations.

In service, he was elected Vice President of the Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education [2014] and served as Managing Director of the Fox MBA Programs [2005-2010]. From 2010 to 2020, he was Chair of the Strategic Management Department. He received the Musser Outstanding Service Award [2012] and Temple University’s Faculty Service Excellence Award [2012].

Research Interests

  • Global Supply Chains
  • Strategic Alliances
  • International Joint Ventures
  • Global Networks
  • Cooperation as a Means to Gain Competitive Advantage
  • Alliances and Trust
  • Effective Management of Interfirm Diversity in International Alliances
  • Research Methods

Courses Taught




IB 3101

Fundamentals of International Business


Selected Publications


  • Parkhe, A. (2024). Genetic argument and new knowledge creation in strategic management. Journal of Strategy and Management, 17(2), 361-374. Emerald. doi: 10.1108/jsma-10-2023-0276.